Friday, July 12, 2019

Too much is not enough

There were 39 golfers this past Wednesday.  Low score for the evening went to Scott Maynes with a 36.  Scott had a lucrative pairing with the dummy card resulting in two skin wins ($20 on #5 and $55.50 on #9).  Scott also birdied the ninth hole to share the $58.50 deuce pot with Mark Pawluk and Kory Stebeleski.  Kory was closest to the pin on #9 while Ashley Brandon hit it tightest on #5.  The only other skin to go was #1 where Troy Chwaluk and Mike Zenchyshyn won the $20 pot.

Having dispensed with the Men's Night summary I will now turn my attention to my random golf-related topic of the week.

There is a saying that too much of a good thing is a bad thing.  That may be true in some cases but not for golf.  Too much golf is a great thing.  After not playing until late June, I have been enjoying lots of golf.   I have tried to play as much as I can.  And there is more to come as we have Nine and Dine tonight and more tournaments in July and August.

I actually feel that too much golf is not enough.  I played seven days straight recently and felt bad on the eight day when I didn't play.  I initially convinced myself that I needed a break...but I really didn't.  My hands or body weren't aching from overuse.  I wasn't needed at home or neglecting my work.  I just didn't play that day for some reason.  Fortunately, that day was Tuesday and Men's Night was the next day.

The intent of the original phrase is to suggest that even something good can become bad if it is excessive.  It suggests that the quality of something is relative to its quantity.  The assumption is that even excellent things can be terrible if they exist in overabundance.  I get that this may be true in some cases but I disagree that the saying applies to golf.

My first golf this year was June 21st.  While I wasn't terrible, there were times in the first few rounds in which I thought that I forgot how to swing.  I was happy to be playing but not completely happy with how I was playing.  Having been out a bit more regularly, I am feeling more comfortable over the ball, playing better, and enjoying it more.

Sometimes golfing gets a bad rap.  It is seen differently than other sports or leisure activities.  If you walk or go to the gym for seven days straight people commend you for your dedication and activity level.  If you golf every day of the week people ask if your wife is out of town.  For the record, my wife was away this past weekend and I did golf quite a bit during her absence.  However, I would like to think that I would have done so even if she was home...with her approval of course.

So I would encourage you to play as much golf as you as possible.  Or get on the lake as often as you can or get walking every day.  If you have something that gives you great pleasure and does not negatively impact you or others, keep doing it.  We seem to now have four months of good weather per year.  Maximize it.  Think about all those cold winter days when you wished you could be outside.  Now get outside and do something while the weather is good.

On Friday, we held our annual Fundraising tournament.  It was an excellent day for golf.  Thanks to everyone involved in organizing and facilitating this event.

The Horse Race tournament is scheduled for Saturday, July 27.  More information regarding it is found on the web version of this blog.  Contact Stephen David at 847-0161 to register.

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