Sunday, April 27, 2014

Mens' Night is coming

It's Sunday morning. The first day of May is this coming Thursday. The forecast tomorrow is calling for anywhere from 5 - 15 cms of snow. In spite of all of this, I am thinking about golf.
There are a couple of reasons for these thoughts. Firstly, like many of you who have endured the historically long and cold winter, I am ready for to get outside and enjoy some nice weather for a change. Even with the crap that is forecasted early this week, it is supposed to get better soon.
The second reason that I am excited about golf is the fact that I am going for a walk on the course this morning. Not the whole course mind you, but part of it at least. Specifically, I will be leaving my car on Highway 42 by the fourth tee box and walking up the fairway and into the bush on the west side. Four of us from the golf club executive are heading in to get the lay of the land for a possible camp ground development that we are planning in conjunction with the municipality. The basic plan is to have full-service seasonal campsites adjacent to the golf course for 2015. While there is lots of work to be done we are excited by the possibility of developing both the golf course and our town.
If you want to hear more about the campground plans, the golf club is hosting our annual general meeting this Thursday evening at 7:00 pm at the club house. In addition to our regular business, we will also be recognizing Cecil Smith for his long term service to Lakeside Golf Club Inc.
In terms of golf plans for this year, we already have three tournaments booked. The Lions Club will kick it off on June 7th followed by the annual fundraiser on July 5th and the Horse Race tournament on July 26th.
For anyone thinking about paying their fees, the Golf Club has held them at 2013 levels. So whatever you paid last year for golf and shed rental is what you will pay this year. Fees are payable by June 1st. This year wee will be introducing an instalment payment option. More information regarding this will be available following our AGM.
Well that's it for now. In the next week or so I will update the information for this year's Mens' Night. You will know what our format will be, when we plan on starting, and what the skins' are for the first evening. I need to get going. I have to take my winter clothes and boots back out of storage for my previously mentioned morning walk on the golf course.