Monday, August 5, 2024

The Weather Has Been Good


This seems to be the annual trend. The season starts off promising, then the weather is less than ideal, and then it improves in July. Such has been the case this year. While this photo is an internet meme, I have seen many legs and feet that look similar. This is the classic golfer's tan.

Last week was a beautiful day for the 34 golfers in attendance. The low score was 37, Closest to the holes were Jason Neufeld on #5 and Joe Shwaluk on #9. Pete Ostash was the lone winner of the $63,75 deuce pot.

Skins went on three holes. Winners included Darren Ostash/Wayne Griffin ($21.25 on #2, $21.25 on #5) and Robin Kimpinski/Brent Allen ($46.88 on #3).

For those participating in the ringer board, there are four more weeks to record scores. The final night is Ausut 28.

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