Thursday, August 9, 2018

The dog days of summer - part 2

After starting this week's blog entry, I realized that I wrote about the same theme previously.  I checked some old posts and found that on August 15, 2015, I talked about the dog days of summer, that time of year where we typically have our hottest days.

I think it is okay to occasionally write about the same or similar topic.  However, I recognize that I tend to repeat certain themes in my posts.  This was evident earlier this week.  A golfing partner, who shall remain nameless, was talking about how the summer was almost over.  I reminded him that we had lots of time remaining and asked if he read a recent blog about this exact topic.  He stated "Yes...I read you 15th or 16th post of being optimistic".  He is likely the target audience of my motivational entries but doesn't realize it.

We have had some warm stretches this summer and we are definitely in the middle of one right now.  We are experiencing plus thirty temperatures every day with this Saturday projected in the mid-30's.  That will make for a warm Horse Race.

I read today that a Manitoban climate expert says a higher number of 30 C days is expected to be the new normal for the season in coming years — and the average is only going to rise after that.  As of Thursday, southern Manitoba had already experienced 18 days with a recorded temperature of 30 C or higher, compared with the annual average of 13.3 C, according to Environment Canada.  By Saturday, we will have 20 such days.  We are likely faring better than other places.  Ontario and Quebec have had a heat wave for most of the summer.  The Maritimes just ended several weeks under heat advisory.

This warm weather is great for those of us over 40.  The hot days seem to take care of the muscle and joint pain that can be an issue during cooler weather.  A person with whom I golf has probably used the phrase "hard to gold in these conditions" at least 20 times in the past two weeks.  He is joking of course, because we are all enjoying hot, sunny days with little to no wind.
Two of our over 40 golfers definitely liked the conditions yesterday.  Wayne Griffin and Sonny Blackbird combined for two big skins - $110.01 on #3 and $91.26 on #5.  Other skin winners include Ron Huberdeau / Scott Martin ($20.00 on #7) and Jim Geekie / Scott Maynes ($69.38 on #8).
Closest to the pins were Mike Zenchyshyn on #5 and Brad Zimmer on #9.  Mike converted his two to share the $50.64 deuce pot with Ashley Brandon.
Looking at the names above, all are over 40 with the exception of Mr. Maynes.  It definitely seems that the hot weather is better for the old guys.
That's it for this week.  There is a sign up sheet at the Club House for the Nine and Dine tomorrow (Friday).  If anyone has yet to sign up for the Horse Race on Saturday, call or text me (Stephen David) @ 847-0161.

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