Friday, June 12, 2020

The New Normal for Golf

It is interesting how quickly we have become used to a pool noodle in the cup. The golf course has only been open for 40 days yet this new hole configuration already seems standard. Like many of the COVID-19 related changes, we simply adapt and do what we need to do. Occasionally a ball pops out that should stay in but that is a small price to pay for increased safety. We have also seen fewer handshakes, smaller golf groups, and usually just one person per cart.

A couple of interesting developments with the Phase 3 Restoring Services announcement by the Province. Effective June 21, the Club House can increase to 75% capacity and outdoor gatherings may increase to 100. These new measures will help with our upcoming tournaments. Also, people don't have to self isolate after arriving in Manitoba from Northern Ontario and the western provinces. That is great news for our seasonal campers and visitors from Saskatchewan. Finally, as of June 21, you may share a golf cart with someone who is not a member of your family.

So the PGA returns this weekend. It is the first official tournament since the Players Championship was cancelled on Thursday, March 12. It's funny watching them play without fans and crowd noise. 

There was a little more noise on the golf course Wednesday as we hit 31 golfers. It was neat to see everyone spread around outside just before our 6:30 pm tee off. After our regular long winter and spring quarantine, there were lots of people reconnecting after many months apart.

With the increased numbers there were lots of pushes for skins with only one hole going. Joel Ostash and Jim Geekie won $20 on #1. Milt was closest on #5 while Jim Geekie was tight on #9. There were no deuces which means the pot on Wednesday will likely be close to $200. The low rounds were Joel Ostash and Robin Kimpinski with 38's followed by Pete Ostash with a 39.

Thanks to Robin for the nice course set up with some pins in new and weird places.

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