Sunday, June 14, 2015

Thank you, thank you, thank you

I am going to flip the script a bit this week. I will start with the quick highlights from Wednesday and then write about this week's theme...thankfulness.
Terry Brandon and Brad Swereda teamed up for two skins including $23.50 on #2 and $59.50 on #4. Other skins went to Brad Benton and Dave Gill ($20 on #6) and Ian Paterson and Randy Tully ($23.50 on #7).
Closest to the pins were Cubby on #5 and Robin on #9. Neither they nor anyone else converted a deuce.
With seven Mens' Nights already this year, some pots are building up quite nicely. Also, our secondary hole-in-one prize just passed $1000 to go with the primary pot which was capped at $1500.

So back to the theme for this week...thankfulness. Increasingly, I hear complaints about different aspects of the golf course. It seems that a lot of people have a hard time focusing on anything but the negative. This can become frustrating if you don't remember that the majority of people are grateful for the awesome little course that we have here in Shoal Lake. I would hope that I am among those who focus on the positive. Therefore, the last few paragraphs this morning will acknowledge some of the good things.
Thanks to John Derhak, Shawna Hebert, and Tara Horne for the great customer service on Mens' Nights so far this year. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
Thanks to Dave Chegwin and his crew for working hard to get the course in shape for play. I know it can be a challenging job in which you heard more complaints than praise.

Thanks to the guys who come out every week to make Mens' Night a success.

Thanks to the golf club executive members for all they do to support the course. Most recently, you may have seen two members, Dan Stokes and Brenda Simspon, repainting the deck and picnic tables. This was made possible because Mel Maynes previously sanded everything.
Thanks to the countless people who have volunteered at our campground development, including those gentlemen already working as of 7:45 am this morning. As I sit her on a nice Sunday morning, the scrapers are hauling clay down my road toward the course. This clay will form the base for the interior roads and lots in the campground prior to the addition of gravel. The project is coming along nicely.

Since I mentioned the campground, I will admit that I have been part of conversations complaining about the occasional low turnout at campground workout parties or lamenting why it seems it is always the same people involved. Going forward, I resolve to be excited about those people that do show up and to be respectful of those that are not able to be there. Lots of people have lots of things going on beside building a campground. There are jobs, families, and other volunteer commitments.

Finally thanks to anyone that I missed acknowledging today. If you were overlooked someone will let me know.

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