Sunday, October 6, 2024

Embracing the Cold


It was pretty cold out last week. When we teed off at 5:30 it was about 10 Celsius with wind gust up to 50 km/hr. By the end of the round, it was around 7 Celsius air temperature with a pretty good windchill. 

But 12 of us still golfed. It was uncertain until around 5:20 pm when the last couple of guys arrived. People bundled up, wore toques, and spent more time in carts with sides on and windshields up.

These days at the start of the season and the end of the season can be unpredictable with weather. But even on a day like last week, I think of the upcoming 6-7 months we will spend away from the golf course. I think of those days in January when I look out onto the frozen wasteland that is Manitoba, wishing I could be outside hitting golf balls.

This week we are lucky. The weather is forecasted for a high around 24 with mimimal wind. Remarkable weather for golf. And this will be our final Men's Night of the year, given that the Club Hose closes on Thursday.

For last week's recap, only one skin went. Reegan Kominko and Joe Shwaluk combined for a $20 pot on #9. There were no deuces. Closest to the pins were Pete Ostash on #5 and Stephen David on #9. The low round of the evening was a 40 carded by both Pete and Reegan.

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