Sometimes golfers are not the bad decison-makers. Often this relates to club or shot selection. On Wednesday it related to the weather. I arrived at the course at 4:50 pm when the air temeprature was 28 Celsisus. By 5:10 pm, the temeprature dropped down to 16 Celsisu. Twelve degress down in 20 minutes. A big storm blew in and Shoal Lake finally received some well needed rain. While our numbers were lower than previous weeks due to the weather conditions, we still had 19 golfers tee of for Men's Night. We did have to wait until about 6:50 pm before we started. Once we got going the weather settled considerably. In the entire rain, we only got a little bit of drizzle for ten minutes or so.
You know the conditions were less than ideal when no one from Waywayseecappo showed up. That is the first time in three years that Charles and the crew didn't make an appearance. Those who decided to play had a good evening, although the scores were not great as a group. There were two scores under 40 led by Brad Benton's 36 and Phil Ostash's 39.
Phil also cashed in with a big $139.53 skin on #7 with Bill Flynn as his partner. The only other hole that went was #2 where Brad Benton/Charlie McNabb claimed $20. Closest to the holes were Jason Gorrell on #5 and Terry Susinski on #9. There were no deuces.
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