Saturday, June 22, 2019

Glad to be golfing

Generally I write about generic golf-related things before noting what happened on Men's Night.  Occasionally I reference my personal experience to a greater extent.  This is one of those times.  Please don't begrudge me.  I am simply happy to be golfing again and want to share the good word.  That being said, if you want to skip the preamble, scroll down to the paragraph starting with "On Wednesday...".

My dog wakes up early...around 5:00 am when it just starts to get bright.  I feed her, she goes out, comes back in, and falls immediately back to sleep.  Not me.  I take my phone and read the whole internet.  Usually, this goes until 6:30 am on weekdays.  Today I made it to 7:00 am because it's Saturday.

This morning I read stories about golf.  I also played a golf game on my phone and checked out some golf products on the Sportchek website.  Obviously, I am thinking about golf a bit.  This relates to me finally being able to swing a club.

I spent the previous month going to Men's Night for a ride along...joining friends to watch them golf.  The first two weeks were fun but the last two less so.  Going to Men's Night to watch people golf but not playing yourself is akin to being a designated driver at a New Years' Eve social.  At the start it is okay but once everyone gets going, not so much.

This past Wednesday was my first Men's Night of the year.  I did play a single round back during spring break but for all intents and purposes, this was my first golf of the 2019 season.  I didn't score very well this week.  I lost a few balls.  I got snaked several times and had to pay once.  I hit six tee shots during the practice round that I could walk to retrieve.  I was low man on the tics at the end.  But despite all of this, it was awesome.

There were a few instances in which I caught myself almost complaining or making excuses but was able to refrain from doing either.  I realized how great it was simply to be out hitting golf balls and visiting with friends on a nice summer evening.  In the end, that's all that really matters.  Sure it's nice to score well, to win a skin, and to hit it closest to the hole.  But the best part is simply being out there.

Having a chance to finally golf, even when golfing relatively poorly, is fantastic.  I once again am looking at weather forecasts with intent.  Tomorrow looks good for my first Sunday golf of the year.  The weather for Wednesday looks very promising or just okay depending on which weather app you use.

On Wednesday, we had 28 golfers.  Skins went on four holes.  Winners included Robin Kimpinski / Blake Hunter ($46.88 on #1), Ron Susinski / Jamie McCutchins ($20.00 on #3), Kevin Bartram / Norm Verboon ($28.75 on #7), and Theoren Hunter / Morgan Geekie ($99.39 on #9.  That's three weeks in a row for Norm getting a skin.  He's a bit of a force.

Low round for the night was Robin's 35.  Closest to the pins were Robin on #5 and Ronnie on #9.  Robin converted the birdie to share the $86.30 deuce pot with Ron Huberdeau and Dale Martin.  Interestingly, all three of these gentlemen paired with someone who scored a 5 on the same hole which paved the way for Theoren and Morgan to win the skin.

I heard that Morgan rated winning the hole as the second greatest thing that ever happened to him.  He placed it just behind getting drafted into the NHL and just ahead of winning the Calder Cup this year as a member of the Charlotte Checkers.  I completely understand his perspective.  I had closest to on #5 back in 2013 and feel that it was one of my life highlights...right up there with both my wedding day and that night at Joe's garage when I caught a straight flush.

Well...people are starting to wake up at my house so that's a good time to wrap it up.  Have a great weekend...and enjoy golf no matter how you play.

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