Monday, July 23, 2012

British Open pool winners

The British Open pool has wrapped up.  Congratulations to the prize winners:

$140   Wes Arnfinson
$40     Chris Kimpinski
$20     Ken Stewart

British Open pool – final standings:

Team points are shown on the link to the left.
    1. Wes Arnfinson 307
    2. Chris Kimpinski 285
    3. Ken Stewart 281
    4. Dallas Malchuk 268
    5. Jamie McCutchins 250
    6. Luke Funk 236
    7. Scott Maynes 226
    8. Darren Ostash 223
    9. Brad Benton 215
    10. Brodie MacEachern 205
    11. Daddy Derhak 204
    12. Rob Kimpinski 197
    13. Mike Susinski 193
    14. Stephen David 192
    15. Brayden Stewart 192
    16. Ron Susinski 182
    17. Peter Ostash 180
    18. John Derhak 140
    19. Jason Hunter 137
    20. Hubey 133

1 comment:

  1. Sweet Mother of Moses! What a suprise! :D Wes
